Whether businesses operate on-premise or in the cloud, they share one singular, critical and common need: security. Data breaches, malware, ransomware, fraud, and power outages can wreak havoc on business systems. Anyone who has suffered the fallout of a security failure and stress of the recovery is keen to never repeat it.
Sensitive data must be tightly controlled to prevent infiltration and protect the organization. Salesforce and NetSuite have built-in business security features such as activity monitoring, two factor authentication, role-based control, and data encryption that enhance corporate protocols and prevent data breaches.
Salesforce and NetSuite follow industry security standards including the General Data Protection Regulation to ensure businesses using the platforms conform to legal and regulatory requirements, and shelter customer data. Both platforms focus on application security including employing intrusion detection systems (IDS) to identify malicious traffic attempting to access their networks.
To learn more about bolstering the security of your business, contact Rapid Cloud Partners today at info@rapidcloudpartners.com.